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Davy Jones, Monkees collectibles will rise in value after singer's death

Signed record albums, photos, even lunchboxes and hand puppets are increasingly valuable

Davy Jones with a picture of his younger self; signed copies of Monkees items would be particularly valuable now.

Davy Jones with a picture of his younger self; signed copies of Monkees items would be particularly valuable now.

That dusty Monkees lunchbox in your attic still won't put both your kids through college, but yes, says a pop culture collectibles expert, the death of Davy Jones might make this a good time to cash in on it.  Gary Sohmers, long-time appraiser on PBS' "Antiques Roadshow," says a Monkees lunchbox in good shape could bring $400-$500 or more.

That could be 10%-40% more than it brought a week ago, says Sohmers, largely because the publicity around Jones' death has stirred up a flurry of interest in both him and the Monkees.

There has been a renewed interest in the Monkees’ music since Jones’ sudden death from a heart attack at the age of 66 on Wednesday. The band’s “The Best of the Monkees” was the No. 3 most downloaded on iTunes, while the song “Daydream Believer” was the No. 12 on the music site’s charts.
Sohmers offers a few specific points and suggestions:

* The most valuable item is autographs, "because obviously now there won't be any more." Photographs Jones would sign at autograph shows for $30-$40 now could go for $100-$150, he says.
He cautions buyers, however, to look for authentification, since forgeries are epidemic on sites like eBay.
* Davy Jones solo items will become more interesting. Jones cut several 45 rpm singles before the Monkees, notes Sohmers, and those 45s with picture sleeves, while not the best rock 'n' roll ever, could go for $40-$50 each.
A Playbill from "Oliver!", with Jones in the cast, could go for $30-$40.
* The most desirable items are the ones made from 1966 to about 1970, and the most valuable often are fragile items in their original boxes — like Monkees hand puppets.

"You had four heads and when you wiggled them, each one talked in the real Monkee's voice," says Sohmers. "Almost no one left them in the original packaging, but if you did, it could be worth $500 or more."

Monkees lunchboxes fit this category, too, by the way.

"Kids wrecked them, or someone left a tuna fish sandwich in them for 15 years," says Sohmers. "That's why they're valuable now — that and the fact they appeal to both Monkees collectors and lunchbox collectors."

* Signatures from all four Monkees spells gold. A copy of "More of the Monkees" is just one of five million pieces of used vinyl unless Jones, Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork, and Mike Nesmith all signed the cover, in which case it could bring $500-$1,000.

"Mike didn't want much to do with the Monkees after a while," Sohmers notes. "So his signature adds a lot of value."

* Think concert posters. In the early days, the Monkees didn't have to do much promotion, so they didn't print a lot of posters or handbills for their shows.
A good-condition poster could net $1,000 or more — unless you happen to have the holy grail of Monkees concert posters, from one of the three shows where Jimi Hendrix was their opening act.
Sohmers says one of those sold for $10,000 three years ago, and he estimates it would be closer to $15,000 now.

The Monkees in general have remained pretty collectible over the years, says Sohmer, who will be at the Pier Antiques Show in New York March 17-18, appraising items for charity.
"The Monkees have longevity," he says. "People who don't personally remember them heard them later, recognize their influence and are interested in them."

He does expect Monkees and Jones memorabilia will follow the usual pattern after a celebrity dies. Prices will spike for a few months, then gradually return to their previous level.  He also says he does know one party you might expect to have a lot of Monkees memorabilia who doesn't.

"I'm good friends with Micky Dolenz," says Sohmers. "I asked him once what kind of stuff he has and he said he didn't save any of it. So I try to pick up things to give to him."

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